Charity/Benefit Legacy
Members, donors, and supporters are the foundation of any charity. Through their involvement and generous donations, charities like yours can continue prospering. The easiest way for charities to connect donors with their mission statement is through example. With our Benefit Video Package, we can help communicate your charity organization’s impact by focusing on a particular member, supporter, or overall mission.
Pre-interview Zoom call to meet and discuss details for the day of the shoot
In-person or virtual interviews
In-person shoots include up to 4 hours of onsite shooting
1-hour setup of cameras, sound, and lighting equipment
2+ hour interview and b-roll filming
45-minute teardown
Up to a 10-minute edited video that incorporates music, photos, b-roll, graphics, and event logos
Two 60 to 90-second videos formatted for social media
Digital delivery of edited video